A child will follow your eample not you advice 👀
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A child will follow your eample not you advice
Millionaire Minds


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A child will follow your eample not you advice

Categorías: Mentes Millonarias
If something good happens travel to celebrate. If something bad happens, travel to forget Keep trading until your 1% stop loss can buy you a tesla If walt disney gave up after his theme park concept was trashed 302 times, there would be no disney If JK Rowling gave up ofter being turned down to multiple publishers for years, there would be no Harry Potter Once in a lifetime you meet someone who changes everything
If someone says you can not do it do it twice and take pictures Other people.s negativity is not your problem Every mistakes is an opportunity to grow wiser If bill gates gave up his first software company called, traf o data, failed, there whould be no Microsoft

Agregado por admin, el 02 de Noviembre de 2021

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